Monday, August 15, 2011

Praying For Rain

On April 21, with Texas experiencing record drought, Governor Rick Perry issued a proclamation designating April 22, 23, and 24 as Days of Prayer for Rain.The Almighty is experienced at answering prayers but probably not one asking the "EPA back down these regulations that are causing businesses to hesitate to spend money," as Perry prayed in Houston. CAP's Joe Romm reports that the Texas governor last year "challenged a court decision allowing the EPA to regulate greenhouse gasses, saying the authority puts "countlesss businesses, farms, even large churches in their cross hairs."

However, the drought only intensified and convened on August at Reliant Stadium in Houston 30,000 evangelicals for "The Response: A Call to Prayer for a Nation in Crisis."

It is easy to conclude that the power of prayer is limited or, conversely, that God will answer the Governor’s prayer in due time, on His own schedule.

In their 1970s-era composition "Make it by Yourself," James Griffin and David Gates wrote about the usual subject in the usual way for pop/rock songs of that era. But as one in which the protagonist helps someone he/she refers to as "friend"- as evangelicals often refer to Jesus Christ- it includes lyrics possibly applicable to Governor Perry's refusal to help his own state in its time of trouble.

Well, let me reassure you
Never were you really all alone
They say in quiet desperation many people cannot see
They cannot see the simple truth
That's not the way it has to be

You got to find it for yourself
God helps the man who helps himself, amen
I am your friend and I'll lend a helping hand
But you gotta try and help yourself before I can

It is often said that God always answers our prayers- but not always with the answer we’re looking for.
So if Governor Perry prays while hellbent on destroying God’s creation for the benefit of corporate polluters and his own political ambition, the response may not be altogether satisfying.

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