Monday, October 02, 2017

Steve Scalise: God Is On My Side

I don't like to bury someone when he or she is down. However, Steve Scalise is no longer down. Don't take it from me but from Politico's Tim Alberta, whose love poem to the House Majority Whip includes

Fifteen weeks later—having teetered on the edge of death and endured several major surgeries, countless hours of physical therapy and lots of restless nights alone with his vivid recollections of that June morning—Scalise hobbled into the House chamber on Thursday and received a Roman general’s welcome from his colleagues. The scene was surreal, he tells me afterward, just as the one at the park had been. His close friend, Speaker Paul Ryan, joked that Scalise was recognized to speak from the House floor for as long as he wanted. Stepping into a moment he had visualized for months, the congressman was poignant and powerful, hitting the right notes and leaving Washington teary-eyed all over again. 

Scalise notes "four people got shot but walked away, and the shooter’s dead. I don’t think anybody would predict that. And that’s because of the skill and presence of my Capitol Police security detail."

Fortunately, the congressman has the benefit of a Capitol Police security detail because he's one of the five most important members of the US House of Representatives.  But to hear him tell it, he has the benefit of someone (or something) more important than law enforcement personnel. CBN News, "a Christian perspective," reported

Rep. Steve Scalise, seriously wounded in a shooting attack at a Washington, D.C., baseball field three months ago, returned to Congress today, summing up in four words his survival and recovery: "It starts with God."

The 51-year-old Majority Whip was shot in the hip and the bullet tore through blood vessels and internal organs.

As he lay wounded on the field with gunfire erupting all around, Scalise said he began to pray and experienced "an unbelievable sense of calm, knowing that at that point it was God's hands"....

He gave thanks to God for his survival and recovery.

"So, I am definitely a living example that miracles really do happen."

His survival, he contends, "was in God's hands" and due to "a lot of divine intervetnion from God."

Someone should ask Scalise whether God intervened in the lives of the 50+ individuals murdered by Stephen Craig Paddock on Sunday night as

The Las Vegas shooting at the Route 91 music festival near the Mandalay Bay Resort & Casino became the deadliest mass shooting in U.S. history, with at more than 50 people dead and more than 200 wounded. 

This is reportedly the worst but

News of shooting incidents at everyday places like offices, schools and shopping malls seem to have become numbingly common, and a 2014 FBI study found that the number of mass shootings has increased in recent years.

Perhaps Steve calise can tell us why two years (and one day) ago there was no miracle for the ten (10) individuals shot dead at a community college in southern Oregon. He owes it to us, to the nation, to explain why he was spared while others were sacrificed to Second Amendment absolutists. If he cannot, he should spare us the smug, self-serving message that God chose him to save as others to gun violence he and his fellow travelers have shown no interest in curbing.

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