Monday, October 09, 2017

Uncorking Criticism

On Sunday morning, Tennessee Republican Bob Corker tweeted "It's a shame White House has become an adult day care center. Someone obviously missed their shift this morning."

On "Fox and Friends," Conway blasted the Senator's tweet as "incredibly irresponsible" which "adds to the insulting that the mainstream media and the president's detractors ... to their ability and their cover to speak about the president of the United States ... in ways that no president should be talked about."

You do realize what you're saying, don't you, Kellyanne Fitzpatrick Conway?

That same president has derided "cryin' Chuck, " "crazy Mika," "psycho Joe (Scarborough)," and "very WEAK" Jeff Sessions. Before taking office, he ridiculed a major opponent as "little Marco" for an allegedly small penis, and an American POW and US Senator as "not a hero" because he "was captured" before he was given a room to be tortured at the Hanoi Hilton. (There are many more examples.)

House Freedom Caucus chairman Meadows tweeted "it's easy to be bold when you're not coming back," tacitly acknowledging that he (as well as virtually every other Republican) is holding his fire because he's afraid of a primary challenge from the right or of a temper tantrum from the President.

You do realize what you're saying, don't you, Mark Meadows?

Corker had been prompted by a Sunday morning tweet from Trump in which the President falsely accused the Senator of having "begged" him for an endorsement and falsely (and bizarrely) of having been "largely responsible for the horrendous Iran Deal!" In remarks he made to the New York Times published Sunday night, Corker maintained Trump "would have to concern anyone who cares about our nation" and "every single day at the White House, it's a situation of trying to contain him." He behaves "like he's doing 'The Apprentice' or something," the Senator maintained.

Although he has been a fairly consistent vote for Trump's extremist agenda, in speaking truth to power, Corker has done what few Republican members of Congress have done.  It can be awfully lonely, even if not running for re-election, to be out on the limb, here other Republicans can cut it off.

On Monday night, Steve Bannon argued on Fox News "if Bob Corker has any honor... he should resign," a clear sign the Senator should stick it out until his term ends, and encourage his colleagues to join him in admitting the emperor has no clothes. It's not up to him now to be the voice crying out in the wilderness, but for other Republicans to show some backbone they lack.

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