Monday, December 04, 2017

Fair, Balanced, And Inaccurate

I apologize in advance.

You're a busy man or woman. You shouldn't have to waste your time, even two minutes of it, reading, or thinking, about Van Jones.

But think of it instead as an observation of the state of the two major political parties- or rather, how they are perceived.   Twelve months ago, CNN pundit Van Jones stated on ABC's The View

Both political parties, I think,right now have a big problem and they don't want to discuss it. And if you discuss it you get in trouble. 

The liberals you just talked abut how liberals and Democrats, we see ourselves as champions of the poor and donstrodden.That's how we see outselves. But we somehow have let a little camp of elitist-sounding, snobby people camp of elitist-sounding, snobby people come into the Party and it's obnoxious and then talk down to people and everybody hates it. And if  you say as a Democrat "well, what are you talking about?" Bit evrybody knows we have a problem with elitism.

This was from the guy who a year earlier had endorsed for President one Hillary Clinton, who later suggested some American voters are "deplorable" and "irredeemable," over the decidely non-elitist Bernie Sanders.

Jones also had loyally served President Obama, who cut him loose under a little pressure. He still is a loyal follower of the former President, who as a candidate remarked that some voters "get bitter, they cling to guns or religion or antipathy to people who aren't like them or anti-immigrant sentiment or anti-trade sentiment as a way to explain their frustrations."

Van Jones blasted the "elitists" of the Democratic Party, casually unaware that he had supported in 2008 and 2016 the two more patronizing of the Democratic candidates for President.

Nonetheless, Jones' lack of introspection is less significant than his naivete. Barack Obama, arguably the most patronizing Democrat of his generation, went on to win two terms as President despite being widely characterized by critics as "elitist." It was no bar to his success, nor is it likely to be for the perenially popular seven-term US Senator from Iowa, who we now learn has

defended his party's tax plan this weekend by saying that plans to reduce or eliminate the estate tax mean that people will use their money more wisely.

"I think not having the estate tax recognizes the people that are investing,” Grassley (R-Iowa) told the Des Moines Register, “as opposed to those that are just spending every darn penny they have, whether it’s on booze or women or movies.”

Unless he gets just plain tired of living in Washington, D.C., a thousand miles from his home state, Charles Grassley will be elected to his eighth term in the United States Senate on November 8, 2022.

Elitism is the least of the problems of the Democratic Party, which has gotten its rear end kicked on the local, state, and national levels by the far more elitist Party.

Chuck Grassley was only one of 51 GOP senators who voted for the tax bill which aids the elites of society, whether the individually wealthy or corporations, and shortchanges the poor and middle class. Even the short-term tax cuts for the middle class, which will turn into tax increases in the long term, is inherently elitist, as the Party counts on average Americans to forget who was doing it to them.

This is an ongoing problem as either members of the media or pundits representing the Democratic Party let the Republican Party off the hook as they seek to demonstrate their bipartisan bonafides by claiming that both parties are responsible for dysfunction in Washington.  Whatever the perception, there is only one elitist party in Washington, and it's run by Donald J. Trump and his sycophants on Capitol Hill.

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