Wednesday, November 28, 2018

As If To Confirm The Stereotype Of Government Employees

Meghan McCain, noting the perils of government shutdowns, sensibly stated Wednesday on The View

I hate, maybe four degrees below terrorism, I hate government shutdowns because a) I think we're not electing these people to not work, number 1 on a very basic level; #2, it affects state parks, it affects military people getting aid.

Have you ever seen the picture of a little boy going to the Washington, D.C. zoo? He sees a panda and can't go in. There are ripple affects all the way around. Get in and do your job. If I'm having a bad day and disagree with you or something else happens, I come here, I'm still talking to you guys. Why do we have a different standard for the people in government?

O.K., Ms. McCain- I"ll bite. (Some say I already do.) Why do we have a different standard for government? We don't for the rank-and-file government employee- but some employees, admittedly, have a considerable sense of entitlement.

And we have one of them at nearly the highest level of government, immediately below that of the Chief Justice of the United Statesand of the President of the USA. In a puff piece, bordering on adoring, from Deadspin we learn that

over the weekend, Kavanaugh was indeed back at it during the 2018 Dick Brown Memorial Turkey Shootout, an annual basketball tournament for CYO squads held in Hyattsville, Md. Kavanaugh’s 12-and-under Blessed Sacrament squad, the defending champs, made it all the way back to the championship game this year.....

fans didn’t treat him any differently. (Tournament director Joe) Sego says “the bigger celebrity” at the event was Johnny Holliday, the locally legendary University of Maryland play-by-play announcer (who obsessives of the Beatles also known as the guy who in 1966 introduced the Fab Four at their final concert).

However, he is different, now an Associate Justice on the US Supreme Court, a job which appears less than taxing.  Huffington Post's Alanna Vagianos reminds us

One of the more cringeworthy points of Kavanaugh’s confirmation hearings came when the judge openly worried that Dr. Christine Blasey Ford’s sexual assault accusation would not only cost him his Supreme Court seat but also his passion for coaching youth basketball. Ford publicly accused Kavanuagh in September of sexually assaulting her when the two were at a high school party in the 1980s.

“I love coaching more than anything I’ve ever done in my whole life,” Kavanaugh said during the Senate hearings.

“But thanks to what some of you on this side of the committee have unleashed, I may never be able to coach again,” he added defensively, referring to the Democratic senators on the judiciary committee.

"I may never be able to coach again"  said the man who has miraculously retained, or regained, his lust for coaching young girls. Kavanaugh may still "love coaching more than anything I've ever done in my whole life, and won't allow a lifetime, tenured seat on the highest court in the most powerful nation ever to distract him from a mission to coach young girls.

After lying to the Senate Judiciary Committee and thecountry, Bart O'Kavanaugh now has a fine salary, extraordinary prestige, and the most secure employment in the country, However as one tweeter noted (before acknowledging "Christina" should have been "Christine") while linking to an article about Kavanaugh's second job

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