Tuesday, November 19, 2019

The Healthiest Person Ever

The President of the United States of America underwent what his doctor termed a "routine, planned interim checkup" which oddly also was "due to scheduling uncertainties." This helped spur the deputy chief of staff for operations in the Obama White House to maintain "The second problem, Lawrence, this is the problem when you have a White House who lies about everything, is you can’t believe them about anything..."

Because Trump and his posse do lie about anything and everything, it's both difficult and critical to recognize when they lie about a pertinent issue or are lying because it's well, something they enjoy doing.

In the latter category would be Press Secretary Stephanie Grisham claiming "We came into the WH, I’ll tell you something. Every office was filled with Obama books and we had notes left behind that said ‘you will fail,’ ‘you aren’t going to make it,’” Valerie Jarrett, Susan Rice, Samantha Power, Ben Rhodes, Daniel  Jacobson, and Liz Allen, who all served in the White House, promptly and vehemently denied the claim, as was important. (Reached for comment, former President Obama responded "I'm too busy scolding my fellow Democrats to concern myself with lies told by Trump toadies about my staff.") The best comment may have come from a journalist:
Still, this episode is not critical and may be only a diversion.  Contending Trump's allegedly planned and sudden check-up was only routine, Grisham on Saturday had maintained the President

is healthy as can be. I put a statement out about that. He’s got more energy than anybody in the White House. That man works from 6 a.m. until, you know, very, very late at night. He’s doing just fine.

Even a mere portion of the diversion was a diversion, insofar as "6 a.m." is accurately translated as "11 a.m."  Donald Trump "is healthy as can be," though "as can be" may mean as healthy as can be expected when the subject is a fat and out-of-shape 73-year-old man caught betraying his country knowing that if he is not re-elected he's in jeopardy of being indicted.

But he may not be healthy at all.  The President can have a routine physical on demand at the White House and, as Messina notes, "if you were going to take him for a routine visit to Walter Reed, you would have announced it, you would have had a photo op with the troops..."

On Monday night, former Obama physician David Scheiner suggested that Trump may have had chest pain or experiencing neurological problems. He noted the President "is having trouble word-finding when he said united shush instead of the United States. These are words, he can’t find them. This is happening over and over again."

There is something wrong with the Trump Administration, other than its press secretary lying about notes which somehow escaped the attention of Sarah Huckabee Sanders in the two years she lied in the same capacity. And there is something wrong with Donald Trump, beyond him observing that he is rarely held accountable for his dishonesty, that lying works. 

Somebody needs to find out what it is, lest we get a Mike Pence presidency via the Constitution's Article II, Section 1, Clause 6- while Donald J. Trump escapes the bar of justice.

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