Sunday, December 22, 2024

Clear and Present Danger

This I cannot disagree with:

However, on This Week With George Stephanopoulos with Jonathan Karl, Jonathan Karl spoke to Pennsylvania senator John Fetterman about Donald Trummp's nominee for FBI director, Kash Patel.  Karl noted "he's talked about going after Trump's enemies" and Fetterman responded

Yeah, and I've -- and we -- we've had conversations, but we -- we had, you know, all of, all of these -- all of these interviews were all off the record and -- and those things. So I'm not going to go into detail, but -- but he absolutely, I -- is that, that's -- you know, that's never going to happen, you know, like he was -- he was very looking forward to that.

So Karl asked "he's not going to use the FBI to go after Trump's enemies?" and Fetterman replied "yeah- no, that's not it."  Seconds later, he added 

and I found out, you know,his family's origin story and immigration... and we talked about that, and my wife, my family immigration and things.  And so I- I learned things about him. I never knew that he was a public defender.

It shouldn't be so easy for a nominee to play a United States senator. However, this guy Patel is no dummy. MSNBC (video below). Timothy Noah writes that in his (in) famous book Government Gangsters

Patel includes on his enemies list the last three Democratic nominees for president: Kamala Harris, President Joe Biden, and Hillary Clinton. Former President Barack Obama, for some reason, is left off the list, even though Obama’s chief of staff John Podesta is on it.

Hillary Clinton and Kamala Harris are losers. Joe Biden is blamed by some Democrats, especially the elites, for holding out so long that Kamala Harris had insufficient opportunity to sell herself to the public. (This is specious argument but unfortunately gaining traction, especially as a means to avoid blaming the candidate herself.) Moreover, there is no prosecution that would rile up Democratic voters, especially the Democratic base,  more than prosecuting the first- and thus far only- black person to be elected President.

More telling

Patel may be “fiery,” as newspaper euphemism puts it, but he’s also opportunistic, which probably explains why no member of Congress made his enemies list (excepting Senator-elect Adam Schiff and Representative Eric Swalwell, whom he mentions as numbering among those “other corrupt actors of the first order” he regrets leaving out). When he compiled this list, Patel knew that in a future Trump administration he might score a Cabinet or sub-Cabinet nomination requiring Senate confirmation; that obstacle course now lies before him.

Of course, at the time the book was written and published, "Senator-elect" Schiff was United States Representative Adam Schiff, not Senator Adam Schiff, who will be eligible to vote on the nomination of Patel. It is unclear whether the nominee would have named the Californian had he been psychic and was aware that the latter would be a U.S. Senator with an opportunity to turn thumbs down on Patel.

Fetterman may be getting fooled. Not so naive, but very dangerous, is the ex-con and prime Trump ally

“Kash didn’t try to hide the football. Steve Bannon didn’t try,” Bannon asserted, speaking in the third person during a one-on-one interview with The Bulwark following his speech to Americafest, a yearly gathering of MAGA diehards hosted by Turning Point USA.

“He made a fucking movie that’s called Government Gangsters and the first guy is Merrick Garland, okay. And Lisa Monaco’s in there, who the nation doesn’t know—we’re trying to make these people famous. So no. First of all, it has to happen. Number two, it’s going to happen.”

It's not clear whether John Fetterman will vote to to approve the nomination of Kash Patel to be director of the FBI. Nor is it clear that a Director Patel will go after Donald Trump's enemies. But it's an awfully good bet.


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