Thursday, August 05, 2010

Hatred Of Country, Weekdays On The EIB Network

Who said (a) and who said (b)?

(a) It doesn't matter if it's gay marriage. There's going to be another issue like this that totally violates the traditions, institutions and the Constitution and the law, and they are going to have the same kind of ruling, same kind of test case, and they're going to celebrate it because once again they are destroying the country. They are destroying the fabric and that's why they're celebrating. It's hard to understand, hard to get your arms around, people born here who hate it; people born in this country who despise it. That's propelling all of this. They've either been raised, educated, or they were just DNA born with this hatred. However they have it, they've got it, and their aim is to tear it all apart. And the more you get upset, the more depressed you get, the angrier you get, the happier they are. This is what they want to create. Obama's doing a great job of it.

(b) This is a reasonable woman and she's talking about secession, Civil War! She's not alone, folks. This is not the rantings of extreme kookism anymore. Minorities do not... You know, if we give way to the minority every time, we got minority rule -- which is what we've got, by the way, and look where it's taking us. Minority rule. So, "The midterms aren't going to matter. We need a revolution. We need secession."

Surprise! Well, no, not really to anyone who reads this blog and therefore has noticed my obsession with Rush Limbaugh, who made both remarks. But the leader of the Republican Party in the same program claimed:

Once again they are destroying the country. They are destroying the fabric and that's why they're celebrating. It's hard to understand, hard to get your arms around, people born here who hate it; people born in this country who despise it.

.... and "We need a revolution. We need secession."

The leader of the Republican Party says the left "hates" and "despises" America and "their aim is to tear it all apart." A few minutes later he describes a caller who "is a reasonable woman" who "is talking about secession, civil war," and follows it with an assertion that the mid term elections are insufficient and that secession and revolution are necessary.

Call it hypocrisy, psychological projection, or just another rant of an extremist. At least we can be comforted knowing that Rush Limbaugh does not "despise" the U.S.A.- as has another prominent Republican (video below), he merely supports secession.

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