Monday, March 05, 2012

Limbaugh Repeats Hannity's Falsehood

God's in his heaven and all's fine with the world;  Rush Limbaugh is back to lying.

He never really stopped, of course.    Usually he suspends dishonesty for the weekend, but this past weekend interrupted his rest by issuing a non-apology apology to Sandra Fluke.

Today, Limbaugh opened by explaining his decision to "apologize" to Fluke, took a break, then came back to deny, incredulously, that withdrawal of advertising from his program affected his decision to express regret, then almost as incredulously claimed

Advertising's a business decision. It's not a social one. Only the leftists try to use extortion, pressure, threats to silence opposing voices. We don't do that. Never, ever, do any of us on our side of the aisle try to suppress the speech or the voices of those with whom we disagree, and we never will. So, as you've always done, you make your own business decisions about the products and services you buy. But don't be like the opposition. That was my mistake last week. Don't make it yours.

Only the leftists try to use extortion, pressure, threats to silence opposing voices.     We don't do that.    Never, ever, do any of us on our side of the aisle try to suppress the speech or the voices of those with whom we disagree, and we never will.

Fortunately, karoli at Crooks and Liars caught Sean Hannity making the similar,  remarkable claim Friday night:

HANNITY: But here's the difference. I don't know any conservative, and you can't name one, that's hiring private investigators, that's organizing with the White House and collaborating with them, and attempting to get advertisers to pull out of shows in an attempt to silence voices. Can you name a conservative equivalent?

ROGINSKY: I don't follow conservative media, so I don't, but I can say this --

HANNITY: I can tell you, I can't name one, and I know conservative media.

Karoli notes at eight instances in which a conservative individual or organization has called for, or threatened, a boycott against a perceived transgression.        She summarizes (links, hers):

  • One Million Moms first threatened a boycott of JC Penney's to force them to remove Ellen DeGeneres as their new spokeswoman. Their more recent effort is against Toys 'R Us for selling a newly-published Archie comic featuring a gay wedding. Their purpose, as stated on their website: "OMM is strictly an online campaign focusing primarily on the entertainment media (television, music, movies, etc.). The goal of this campaign is to stop the exploitation of children by such media." One Million Moms is a project of the Family Research Council, featured often on Fox News. Current boycott projects include Lifetime Television, ABC and Disney, and Clorox bleach.
  • In 2009, Rush Limbaugh called on his listeners to boycott GM, saying "nobody wants to support an Obama company." Rasmussen Reports immediately followed up with a poll to see how many would support such a boycott.
  • Newsbusters, the conservative activist wing of the Media Research Center, criticized networks for playing up a boycott of Lowe's Corporation. The reason for the boycott? Lowe's had advertising placements on TLC's "All-American Muslim", and that outraged right-wing critics. Lowe's bowed to the pressure from enraged right-wingers and pulled the ads. Newsbusters chided networks for "playing up Lowe's outrage."
  • American Family Association calls for a boycott of Old Navy for supporting the "It Gets Better" project.
  • USA Christian Ministries calls for Starbucks boycott over tolerance for gay rights and anti-gun stance.
  • Liberty Counsel calls for a boycott of PayPal after four accounts of anti-gay activists were suspended.
  • Mike Huckabee, on Fox News, called for a boycott of NPR after Juan Williams was fired.

The planets are in alignment:   Rush Limbaugh is back in the saddle again, still making things up.

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