Thursday, July 18, 2024

Why This Comment?

Who's he talking about?

Joe Scarborough wisely and very courageously asserts

.... Again, a good question to ask about what he said in a private fundraiser. A good question to ask- I would have asked the same question. But to ask that question about absent any context seems to me to be- you talk about a phony, a moral relativism is just screaming through that part of the interview. And I must say I was shocked.

Scarborough was talking about Lester Holt, the anchorperson for NBC, the parent company of MSNBC, where Scarborough works. He criticized him as a "phony" displaying "moral relativism." After the "Joe" of Morning Joe, Reverend Al Sharpton claimed "I completely agree with you."

Not so much. The money quote 

Clearly, I don't think that President Biden has engaged in that kind of rhetoric that would in any way incite people to do things that we saw on January 6 or the attack on (Nancy) Pelosi's husband. But at the same time, I think we have the moral obligation to be consistent. You cannot- cannot- stand up against what happened to Pelosi's husband or what happened on January 6 and then act like it's alright what happened to Donald Trump and I think that is part of the challenge that we have.

There are two possible explanations for Sharpton's terrible bothsiderism. Or the motive might be the characteristically bad judgement of someone who was an anti-white crusader in the 1980s.and  virulent anti-Semite in the 1990s.

In either case, the implication that Democrats have condoned the shooting of Donald Trump bears resemblance to the criticism of a few Democrats, most significantly South Carolina Representative James Clyburn, for condemnation of alleged sloganeering with "defund the police."  That would have been valid had Clyburn identified any Democrats who employed the slogan. He could have done so- there were two of them, Representative Cori Bush and Representative Rashida Tlaib.

There- I've named names, which is more than Clyburn did, as befitting the ardent supporter of the doomed black lives matter movement, which gave rise to what small support there was of the defund the police movement.

And it's also more than what Al Sharpton has done in the matter of Democrats minimizing the assassination attempt upon Mr. Trump It would be truly impressive to hear the scoundrel do so, given that there seems to have been none.  Decades ago, we recognized him as a race hustler. To this day, whatever Al Sharpton is up to, it's no good.

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