Wednesday, October 01, 2008

An Empty Boast

Boyfriend to the pregnant Bristol Palin, Levi Johnston has more in common with his future mother-in-law than either of the two probably realize.

We learn this morning that Sarah Palin on September 30 told conservative Republican radio talk-show host Hugh Hewitt that she and a President McCain would "put government back on the side of the people of Joe Six-pack like me" and "it's time that normal Joe Six-pack American is finally represented in the position of vice presidency."

Before it was scrubbed on September 9, Levi Johnston's MySpace page famously boasted "I'm a ------ redneck" and "Ya f - - - with me I'll kick [your] ass."

CBS News reports Governor Earmark assured Hewitt's audience "I know what Americans are going through," citing the loss of approximately $20,000 in her husband's 401(k) retirement account because of the plunge in the stock market last week. Todd Palin earns $90,000 combined from his two jobs while his wife earns $125,000 as governor. The Palins, further, as of March, 2008 had $164,699 in a private investment account and $198,102 in a private retirement account.

Although some Americans were sufficiently affluent that they were unfortunate enough to have lost $20,000 recently, Palin exaggerates when claiming "the rest of America, they're facing the exact same thing that we are." And while a genuine redneck is unlikely to admit that he/she is a redneck- and would not boast of it- a genuine middle American would not need to boast of being "Joe Six-pack."

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