Friday, November 07, 2008

Palin, Blaming America

Back in her office in Anchorage, Governor Sarah Palin answered a few questions from the local media. Asked about sexism on the campaign trail, the former vice-presidential candidate alleged:

And so, that's a good question because I think that was a bit of a surprise on the national level is why, you mean, the other 49 states aren't quite there like Alaskans are? Well, come on, follow Alaska's lead and start allowing the equal opportunities and the equal treatment.

Once you get past the whining- is there anything this individual plucked from relative obscurity to have a 50-50 chance at the second highest office in the land doesn't complain about?- there is an interesting comparison between Alaska and the nation.

It's interesting, but not especially surprising, to hear Governor Earmark suggest that the United States of America is chock full of the bigots lacking in her state of Alaska. This is, after all, the governor (though not present) who addressed the 2008- yes, 2008- convention of the Alaska Independent Party, assuring it "Your party plays an important role in our state’s politics...... Keep up the good work, and God bless you." And the mayor who probably attended the 2004 convention of the party in Wasilla. That would be the party with the motto "Alaska First- Alaska Always."

The association with the Alaska Independence Party (and with a husband who earlier belonged to the party), remarks that the rest of America doesn't measure up to Alaska, and her constant invocation of the "Joe the Plumber" slogan on the campaign trail. Not just another Republican politician with little regard for the American people, but one who ironically, and cynically, ran under the banner "Country First."

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