Wednesday, September 04, 2019

A Proud Texan Proud Of Texan Gun Laws

Retweeting right-wing Breitbart News, Texas senator Ted Cruz on Monday commented

Gun control doesn’t work. Look at Chicago. Disarming law-abiding citizens isn’t the answer. Stopping violent criminals—prosecuting & getting them off the street—BEFORE they commit more violent crimes is the most effective way to reduce murder rates. Let’s protect our citizens. 

Huffington Post reports

In reply, Lightfoot told Cruz to “keep our name out of your mouth.”

In the same tweet, she posted a graph showing how nearly 60% of the illegal firearms that were recovered in the city between 2013 and 2016 actually came from outside Illinois.

They were, Lightfoot wrote, “mostly from states dominated by coward Republicans like you who refuse to enact commonsense gun legislation.” 

Among the laws the federal government needs to enact is one requiring a background check on all private gun transactions, aside from the transfer of a firearm from one individual to a member of his immediate family. Currently, according to the Brennan Center

Twelve states (California, Colorado, Connecticut, Delaware, Nevada, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, Oregon, Rhode Island, Vermont, and Washington) and the District of Columbia require universal background checks at the point of sale for all sales and transfers of all classes of firearms, whether they are purchased from a licensed dealer or an unlicensed seller.

Not surprisingly, things are much different in Ted Cruz's state, inasmuch as

handgun license holders in Texas are exempt from the federal background check requirement when purchasing a handgun.2 (Note, however, that people who have become prohibited from possessing firearms may continue to hold state firearms licenses if the state fails to remove these licenses in a timely fashion.)

Texas does not require private sellers (sellers who are not licensed dealers) to initiate a background check when transferring a firearm.

This should be quite inconvenient for its junior senator. We were reminded , slightly less than 24 hours after Cruz's tweet, of the deadly consequences of policies in such states as Texas because

A law enforcement official says a gunman who killed seven people in West Texas had obtained his AR-style rifle through a private sale, evading a federal background check.

The official spoke to The Associated Press on condition of anonymity on Tuesday because the person was not authorized to discuss an ongoing investigation.

Officials said Seth Aaron Ator had previously tried to obtain a gun but failed a federal background check.

Obtaining the weapon through a private sale, as opposed to buying it through a licensed gun dealer, would've allowed Ator to skirt the background check.

And Ted Cruz remains among the very few things senators Lindsey Graham and Al Franken agreed about:

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