Wednesday, February 19, 2020

Where's Elizabeth?

There is great timing and then there is even better timing.  While considering Elizabeth Warren's strategy for the Wednesday evening debate in New Hampshire, Charlie Pierce noted the senator is "running on how monopoly power and the money power have had a corrupting influence on how we do politics in this country in the 21st century." He added

Sanders, of course, has leaned into this issue for decades as well, because his heart is in the right place. The difference between the two, I think, is that SPW knows far more about how the mechanisms of the money power work to sabotage the institutions of politics and government. In her own phrase, she knows how the tricks and traps work better than a lot of the people who set them up. She’s been one of the principal diagnosticians of financial thievery for going on 30 years now, in and out of government. I believe that’s why she worries them more than does Sanders, whom they believe, perhaps falsely, they can simply blow off.

Pierce doesn't say whether he  believes that the idea that Sanders can be disregarded is because he ultimately will not get the nomination or- more likely- because there is a notion that he hasn't thought through his ideas and doesn't know how he'd implement them.

A few hours later we have this:

Buzzfeed reports

Elizabeth Warren was left out of a national poll question Tuesday that pitted Democratic candidates against Donald Trump, angering supporters who have protested that the media has erased her candidacy in the wake of her showings in Iowa and New Hampshire.

The poll, from NBC and the Wall Street Journal, found Warren was effectively tied for second place nationally, with 14% of the vote.

But pollsters excluded her from a series of match-ups between Trump and top candidates. The poll include Pete Buttigieg, Joe Biden, and Mike Bloomberg, who all polled within a point of Warren, and Amy Klobuchar, who trailed significantly behind them

Peter Hart, whose firm conducted the poll, told BuzzFeed News that the poll had “space and time” for just five candidate match-ups.

"Space and time?" Hart didn't even claim to have erred but went with an excuse that's very odd. Alternatively, maybe the firm didn't want to have, nor does it want voters to have, anything to do with one of the nation's principle diagnosticians of financial thievery.

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