Wednesday, June 24, 2020

Anti-Racists Now An Enemy

Born in 1829, he moved with his family to Wisconsin, USA in 1840. He later joined the 4th Wisconsin Militia and served as Wisconsin State Prison Commissioner.

As an anti-slavery activist, he joined the state chapter of Wide Awakes, reportedly "an anti-slave catcher militia." The governor appointed him colonel of the 15th Wisconsin Volunteer Regiment, the only all-Scandinavian regiment in the Union Army. He was wounded at the Battle of Perryville in Octobe , 1862 and a few months later commanded his regiment during the Battle of Stones River.

Consequently, he was placed in command of a newly-formed army brigade in May, 1863. However, he was killed four months later at the Battle of Chickamauga, becoming the highest-ranked Wisconsin soldier killed in combat during the Civil War.

Brave soldier, giving his life for his country in battle against enemy; anti-slavery activist; proud immigrant to the United States of America. The enemy he fought was the Confederate States of American, which advocated states rights in order to maintain its practice of slavery. And now:
This is no longer one or two lawbreakers or anarchists. This is now the movement.  This is the unsurprising, albeit not quite inevitable, evolution of a movement led by a group which promotes the hashtag DefundthePolice, "a national defunding of police." That is not defund racist or dysfunctional police departments, nor even the slightly vague "defund police." It is defund the police, nationally, in toto.

“We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal,” declared Declaration of Independence author Thomas Jefferson, also a President.  On another day, in another city, his statue was torn down; also (George Washington, too).. No matter how many media anchors and pundits note “black lives matter” (which most of us already believed) and Democrats voice support for the “Black Lives Matter movement,” this is now less a movement than a crusade headed into Donald Trump’s wheelhouse.

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