Saturday, January 23, 2021

Congressional Elite

On Thursday the Huffington Post reported

Rep. Andy Harris (R-Md.), who has repeatedly flouted the magnetometers that were installed near the House chamber after the Jan. 6 attack on the U.S. Capitol, set off the metal detectors while trying to enter. When an officer with a metal detector wand scanned him, a firearm was detected on Harris’s side, concealed by his suit coat. Police refused to let Harris in, and the officer signaled a security agent that Harris had a gun on him by motioning toward his own firearm.

HuffPost witnessed the interaction and later confirmed with a Capitol official that Harris was carrying a gun.

HuffPost watched Harris try to get another member to take the gun from him so he could go vote. The member, Rep. John Katko (R-N.Y.), told Harris he didn’t have “a license” and refused to hold the weapon for him.

HuffPost also heard Harris complain to some fellow members that he had asked his staff to remind him about the screenings and they hadn’t.

Harris then left on the elevators and 10 minutes later returned to the House chamber. He placed his cellphone and keys on a desk to the side, did not set off the magnetometer and was allowed to enter the House floor to vote on a waiver to allow retired Army Gen. Lloyd Austin to serve as President Joe Biden’s defense secretary.

In the video below, Joe Scarborough can be seen remarking

I mean they're whining, Katty, two weeks- a little over two weeks after their lives were endangered and these guys are whining about being wanded before thy go onto the House floor/ Who the hell do they think they are?

They think they are United States Congressmen/Congresswomen, entitled to do whatever they want to do, rules be damned.  While members are prohibited from carrying firearms onto the floor of the House or the Senate, they are allowed what members of the public are not- to carry a gun in the office buildings, in the Capitol and on Capitol grounds. 

That's a loophole in the rules which each chamber should close. There are places, including but not limited to government office buildings, national parks, and schools in which firearms should be prohibited, whatever the status of the holder.

The District of Columbia permits concealed carry while banning open carry. Representative Lauren Boebert (R-Colorado) pledges to carry a weapon around the city and to work, although the police chief, unamused, intends to talk to the congresswoman about her obsession.

If a citizen tries to sneak a firearm onto an airliner, an arrest is typically made.   The Capitol is not the home of Rep. Boebert or any of her colleagues; it is a workplace of the United States Government. House Speaker Pelosi proposes merely that members who fail to pass through the magnetometer be fined.  The House should go further, wherein if a member is found trying to sneak a firearm through the detector, he or she would be subject to censure or expulsion. Members of Congress deserve no privileged status.


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