Sunday, July 04, 2021

The Reason For This Season

In the autumn of 1970, a casual discussion took place among male college freshmen in a common area of a dormitory of a college in New Jersey.

One of the students, a Polish-American Catholic from somewhere or another, warned the group "Jesus is the reason for the season."  There was no reaction, or at least none memorable, though even then it was a minority position.

A half century later, the freshman's protestation of the commercialization of Christma sis a relic of a bygone era in most of the of the densely populated regions of the country.  Degree of comfort with reality differs from one individual to another. However, the vast majority of Christians who identify as Catholic, Protestant, and/or Christian as well as those minimally Christian, recognize that secular pursuits- family, buying gifts, Santa Claus, or whatever- have become the reasons for the season.

Although most other holidays no longer are celebrated or memorialized as originally intended, perhaps no other has been as thoroughly trivialized or bastardized as has Christmas.

Alas, there may be an exception.

She might as well, at the applicable time of the year, wish everyone a happy 27th; or 18th; or 6th. Not even a "Happy July 4th" of "Happy 4th of July" is wished. That would be too much effort. It's a "happy 4th" which, theoretically, could be a 4th child, a 4th adopted dog, or a 4th marriage; anything.

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, she of the annoying nickname of "AOC," is no purveyor of barbecue equipement, fireworks saleswoman, meat retailer, or marketing executive for a major retail firm. She does not represent a firm or interest with a pecuniary motive to emasculate the holiday.

She is a United States congresswoman. And she cannot, or will not, manage to acnowledge that independence is the reason for the season. On this blog, however: Happy Independence Day to all Americans, and to all residents of this land who aspire to be Americans.



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At That Time, In That Place

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