Wednesday, February 28, 2024

The Banish Jews Caucus

Representative Moskowitz's post followed a panel discussion with Anderson Cooper in which the CNN host wanted to discuss the implications of the "uncommitted" vote in the Michigan Democratic primary rather than the Mideast policy of the Biden Administration. The larger point, however, is suggested by a predictable tweet from leftist activist Nina Turner, to which the proper response is "Would you prefer "Nazi-like?"


Not all opposition to Israel's war in Gaza against Hamas is rooted in anti-Semitism or anti-Jewish animus; maybe not even a majority. Nonetheless, "would you prefer (to be called) Nazi-like," while a little extreme, is more than snarky.  The San Francisco Chronicle reports

Hundreds of anti-Israel student protesters broke down the door of UC Berkeley’s Zellerbach Playhouse on Monday night, smashing a window and preventing an Israeli speaker from addressing a few dozen Jewish students.

Danielle Sobkin, one of the organizers who invited Israeli lawyer Ran Bar-Yoshafat, said the mob grabbed a sophomore who tried to attend the event, called him a “dirty Jew” and spat on him. She said that protesters also shoved a senior into the auditorium door as she tried to check in attendees, and that they grabbed a freshman by her neck.

“This isn’t an isolated incident. This is a continuous trend that’s persisted my entire time on campus. Jewish hate. The targeting of Jewish students,” said Sobkin, co-president of Bears for Israel, one of three Jewish groups that invited Bar-Yoshafat.

“For a lot of us, this was the tipping point. The last straw,” she said, noting that she’s seen anti-Israel graffiti for years on campus, and said that for nearly two weeks, anti-Israel protesters have partially blocked the iconic Sather Gate broadcasting the sounds of war...

(Dan) Mogulof, the campus spokesperson, said the university is investigating the Monday incident, in which many students covered their faces with masks and Palestinian scarves known as keffiyehs.

The Not Anti-Jewish protestors evidently passed on the Courage 101 for Human Beings Course. John Lewis, they're not. The incident had its genesis (if it's not genocidal to use the term beginning the Scripture accepted by Jews and Christians) when

The Israeli lawyer was originally supposed to speak at Wheeler Hall, home of the English department. Roughly 50 students sent in their required RSVPs, and about 30 students “liked” the Instagram invitation from the three groups, Bears for Israel, Tikvah and Students Supporting Israel.

But more than 2,200 other students “liked” a post from Bears for Palestine that urged: “Shut it down: Genocidal murderers out of Berkeley,” and featured a photo of the speaker labeled “murderer.”

A huge crowd gathered outside Wheeler Hall at 5 p.m. Monday chanting so loudly that students inside told Sobkin they couldn’t hear their professors.

The event shifted to Zellerbach Playhouse, and the university sent what officials thought would be enough police to protect attendees.

“We had a significant number of police at the event — a number we believed to be sufficient based on past experience — and that clearly was not the case,” said Mogulof, noting that the university doesn’t disclose how many officers it deploys.

Meanwhile, the university — and students who support Israel — may have more to contend with next week.

Bears for Palestine has announced a schedule of events for its annual “Apartheid Week,” condemning Israel and speaking out on the history of the Palestinians.

During the Apartheid Week, the pro-Palestinian students are expected also to denounce apartheid, or what has been labeled "apartheid," in Mainland China, India, Myanmar and Sudan. I'm kidding, of course.

It will be only Israel and at those events or at riots, they will continue to hold American Jewish students responsible for the actions of the Likud government of Israel, more than 7,000 miles away. Not anti-Semitic or anti-Jewish in any way. Nope, not a chance.



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