Saturday, September 13, 2008

McCain: A Mind In Flux

When he appeared on ABC's "The View" on September 12, John McCain was accused by Joy Behar of no longer being a "maverick" and issued this challenge:

I’ve been through this litany before, where I say, “ok, what specific area have I quote changed?” Nobody can name it. … I am the same person and I have the same principles.

Here is a list of items compiled by Think Progress on which the "maverick" has changed his mind (for details, click on link):

FOREIGN POLICY* Attacking Terrorists In Pakistan* Defense Spending* Detention Of Detainees* Divestment And Sanctions* Donald Rumsfeld* Henry Kissinger* Illegal Wiretapping* Law Of The Sea Convention* Long-Term Troop Presence In Iraq* Negotiations With Hamas* Negotiations With Syria* Normalization Of Relations With Cuba* Nuclear Reactors* Nuclear Waste Storage At Yucca Mountain* Rogue State Rollback* Torture* 21st Century GI Bill
ENVIRONMENT/ENERGY* Ethanol* Everglades Restoration* Offshore Drilling
ETHICS* Criticizing The Media* Katrina Investigations* Lobbyists* The Wyly Brothers
ECONOMY* Americans Live Better Under Bush* Balancing The Budget* Bush Tax Cuts* Earmarks For Arizona* Fairness Of The Estate Tax* Job Losses In Michigan* Social Security Privatization* Tobacco Industry Regulations* Windfall Profits Tax
RADICAL RIGHT* The Confederate Flag* Jerry Falwell And The Religious Right* The NRA* Teaching Intelligent Design
CIVIL RIGHTS* Gay Marriage Amendment
HEALTH CARE* Abortion Exceptions* Repealing Roe v. Wade* Taxpayer Funding For Contraception In Africa

Perhaps McCain was telling the truth when he said "nobody can name it"- there is no "it," but a whole lot of "them."

Steve Benen of the Carpetbagger Report has this list.

Keep tuned. The Repub nominee for President isn't through making things up.

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Not Quite Color Blind

Racist? No. Inaccurate? Well, no. But from the spokesman for President Trump, he who (successfully) nominated Marco Rubio for Secretary of ...