Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Him- Really?

Who am I? I

- married my high school geometry teacher- whom I had been dating since I was 16- in 1962 after my  freshman year of college;
- presented my wife with terms of divorce in 1980, one day after she had undergone surgery for    uterine cancer and while she still was in the hospital, thereafter often refusing to pay alimony and    child support;
- proposed marriage to a second woman well before I was divorced, and married her in 1981;
- was subject to an intervention by colleagues because of erratic behavior, which continued  afterward;
- periodically participated in extra-marital oral sex, at least one time in the back seat of a car in  public;
- carried on, for approximately six years and for a period in the marital bed, an extra-marital affair;
- confessed the affair to my (second) wife, shortly before I gave a speech touting family values;
- was reprimanded by my colleagues, only partially because I was ethically lacking, and lost my leadership position;
- married yet again, after gaining a divorce.

In the midst of this, in 1980 he had declared "Woody Allen having nonincest with a nondaughter to whom he was a nonfather because they were a nonfamily fits the Democratic platform perfectly."

This is delicious. On Tuesday night, that same Newton Leroy Gingrich told Fox News' Megyn Kelly "I mean, you want to go back through the tapes of your show recently, you are fascinated with sex, and you don’t care about public policy.”

Megyn Kelly, seriously? Though Fox's predominantly male audience breathlessly thought "if only," Gingrich complained "it’s worth 23 minutes of the three networks to cover" allegations of sexual assault committed by Trump while Wikileaks revelations receive less attention. As Steve M. explains, Donald Trump is responsible for that, in part because his campaign relies upon himself and "surrogates (who) apparently can't craft an effective message and who can't be bothered to stick to a message, especially when he's distracted by, say, an insult from anyone on the planet."

Gingrich would claim also “And, therefore, we’re going to send Bill Clinton back to the East Wing, because after all, you are worried about sexual predators."  A moment later, smile affixed, he would add "No, I just want to hear you use the words. I want to hear you use the words ‘Bill Clinton, sexual predator.’ I dare you. Say ‘Bill Clinton, sexual predator.’” Now, that's a grownup!

The temptation to accuse Newt Gingrich of engaging in some sort of psychological projection, of talking about himself, or being a brazen hypocrite is nearly overwhelming. However, inasmuch as a human predator is one who "ruthlessly exploits others," it should be enough to point out that the disgraced former House Speaker has no clue that he has no clue.  Regrettably, failing to understand the word "consent" is one of a number of modern GOP diseases.

In July, Donald Trump narrowed his short list of vice presidential candidates to three individuals: Mike Pence, occasional New Jersey governor Chris Christie, and Gingrich.  In selecting Mike Pence- a dangerous but humorless individual- Trump denied us hilarity unparalleled.

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