Monday, April 01, 2024

Whomever You Are, Please Stand Up

Will the real Joe Biden please stand up? On March 31, the Office of The White House issued a Statement maintaining

Jill and I send our warmest wishes to Christians around the world celebrating Easter Sunday. Easter reminds us of the power of hope and the promise of Christ’s Resurrection.

As we gather with loved ones, we remember Jesus’ sacrifice. We pray for one another and cherish the blessing of the dawn of new possibilities. And with wars and conflict taking a toll on innocent lives around the world, we renew our commitment to work for peace, security, and dignity for all people.

From our family to yours, happy Easter and may God bless you.

With "the promise of Christ's Resurrection" and "Jesus sacrifice," the President couldn't have gotten any more Christian without risking the praise of even his sycophants on MSNC. But not to worry because

Created by a Michigan-based transgender activist, Rachel Crandall, in 2009, International Transgender Day of Visibility (often shortened to Trans Visibility Day) falls on March 31 every year. In 2024, that date coincidentally falls on Easter Sunday, which is determined annually by marking the first Sunday after the full moon occurring on or after the Spring Equinox.

President Joe Biden marked the push for transgender rights with a statement recognizing Trans Visibility Day on Friday that immediately set off alarm bells on the far right.

Left-leaning reporter Rachel Dobkin at right-leaning Newsweek wrote "On Friday, the White House sent out an announcement proclaiming March 31, 2024, as Transgender Day of Visibility. This announcement is just a formality as the date of this annual event has already been set and is a way for the Biden administration to celebrate the holiday." Yet midway through this "formality," the President took a sharp left turn as he proclaimed

extremists are proposing hundreds of hateful laws that target and terrify transgender kids and their families — silencing teachers; banning books; and even threatening parents, doctors, and nurses with prison for helping parents get care for their children.  These bills attack our most basic American values:  the freedom to be yourself, the freedom to make your own health care decisions, and even the right to raise your own child.  It is no surprise that the bullying and discrimination that transgender Americans face is worsening our Nation’s mental health crisis, leading half of transgender youth to consider suicide in the past year.

Acknowledging International Transgender Day of Visibility would be a formality, much as it was when Biden acknowledged World Hearing Day on March 3, World Obesity Day on March 4, or International Client's Day on March 19. You may have missed the President's proclamation issued on those days. We all did.

His statement on Easter Sunday was not a mere formality but a hearty endorsement. Nor was, to be fair to the President, the blessing he bestowed upon Easter.  So on the same day that Biden referred to Christ's resurrection and sacrifice, he spent five paragraphs (before the standard "Now, therefore, I") issuing brazenly political remarks. 

The issue is not whether Biden's remarks reflected good policy or values but one of context, especially when it's likely transgender day was set intentionally to fall periodically on Easter Sunday or Good Friday.. When it occurs on almost any other day on the calendar, the timing of Biden's remarks would have been more appropriate.

But it didn't, and they weren't, no matter the President's habit of inserting "God" into speeches. Conventional wisdom would argue that the "Easter" Joe Biden is the real Joe Biden, a good, traditional Catholic and Christian, who periodically must pander to woke progressives. Alternatively, the real Joe Biden is the one who told transsexual- uh, er, transgender- Americans yesterday "you are America" rather than "you are as American as anyone else" or "you are America, just as all of us are." In that case, the Joe of faith and religious conviction is the man of deception and diversion.

The devout and dedicated Catholic he usually presents as would not have delivered a slap to the face of committed Christians that he did early yesterday- unless he was coerced into the transgender statement or didn't know what was being issued in his name. It's only fair, then, in the face of an election pitting himself against a candidate who is not physically and mentally well, that we ask who the real Joseph Robinette Robinette Biden is.


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Not Quite Color Blind

Racist? No. Inaccurate? Well, no. But from the spokesman for President Trump, he who (successfully) nominated Marco Rubio for Secretary of ...