Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Classic Washington Politics

Barack Obama on the May 4, 2008 edition of Meet The Press:

This gas tax, which was first proposed by John McCain and then quickly adopted by Senator Clinton, is a classic Washington gimmick.

Barack Obama on May 13, 2008, according to Mike Dorning of The Swamp, a Baltimore Sun weblog:

So what is that on Barack Obama's lapel as he speaks at a town meeting in conservative talk show host Rush Limbaugh's hometown, Cape Girardeau, Mo.?

Why, it's a flag pin!

For the second day in a row, Obama has pinned the Stars and Stripes to his suit lapel. He also wore a flag pin yesterday at an appearance in Charleston, W.Va., in which he spoke about patriotism and veterans issues.

When is a "gimmick" a "gimmick?" Apparently when the subject is Hillary Clinton, not Barack Obama.

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"President Musk"

No doubt you heard the ridiculous and effective GOP talking point about $50 million sent to Hamas for condoms.  Nearly every lie has an exp...