Monday, September 05, 2016

Coverage That Can't Be Bought

It looks like it's working.

Donald Trump is not all lies and bravado and remarks which seem to undercut any chance of him attaining the presidency. Some moves have been tactically wise, including the media blacklist he initiated approximately.  According to CNN Money in June

In some cases, reporters from the offending outlets can still attend Trump campaign rallies as members of the general public, but without the access and privileges that press credentials provide. In other situations, like press conferences, the reporters cannot attend at all.

The news organizations blocked are Univision, BuzzFeed, Politico, The Daily Beast, The Huffington Post, and the Des Moines Register.

Notably absent from that list is CNN, on whose website "Trump Brings Message of Unity To Black Church in Detroit." Really. There we learn

A subdued Donald Trump on Saturday directly addressed a largely African-American audience for the first time as a presidential candidate, delivering a warmly received message of unity that focused on fixing economic hardship in the black community.

Trump spoke to members of the Great Faith Ministries, a nondenominational church in Detroit, part of his outreach to what is typically a sizable Democratic voting bloc. His visit, however, was greeted by protests outside of the church ahead of his arrival.

Sitting in a pew at the front of the congregation, Trump took a selfie with a church member and at one point held up a baby over his shoulders. He then addressed the congregation.

What, no baby to kiss?  Reporters Eugene Scott and Ashley Killough continue

"For centuries, the African-American church has been the conscience of this country. So true," Trump said, reading from prepared remarks. He added, "The African-American faith community has been one of God's greatest gifts to America and its people."

Whatever the current standing of the black community in the USA, it is passing strange given that blacks in Africa became an African-American community by the process of slavery, a politician would refer to it as a gift from God.  Part of the great American mosaic, they were nonetheless given as a gift to white slaveholders, hardly a gift from God.

It was a slam at God which no one seemed to notice, as Trump was well-received both by the CNN reporters and church attendees, notwithstanding protesters outside the building. Neither did Bishop Wayne Jackson (January, 2014 video below), who had brought Trump to his church for a little politicking, draped a prayer shawl over the candidate's shoulders, and presented him with the evidently messianic Jewish Heritage Study Bible.

As a warning shot to any news outlet tempted to criticize the GOP candidate.Trump's attacks on the media are a strategic masterpiece. Similarly, visiting an African-American church may give to moderately conservative and centrist voters that warm, cozy feeling of voting for someone they believe (inaccurately, in this case) blacks are comfortable with. However, blacks are not likely to be swayed by a fellow who once stated of one of his employees “I think that the guy is lazy. And it’s probably not his fault because laziness is a trait in blacks. It really is; I believe that. It’s not anything they can control."

Perhaps "not anything they can control" is what passes for "compassionate conservatism" nowadays. Out of the mouth of David Duke, also a believer in inherent racial inferiority, it woud be recognized as "racism."  In the halls of CNN, however, a fellow who implored "oh, look at my African-American over here!" and tweets bogus statistics charging the black community wih being rife with murderers actually brings a heartfelt "message of unity."

                                                   HAPPY LABOR DAY

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