Sunday, September 29, 2013

A McCain Hits It

There is more news in Barack Obama's effort to assure the re-election of a Republican as governor in New Jersey.  Politico reports

Vice President Joe Biden will head to the Garden State next month to campaign for Democratic Senate candidate Cory Booker, Booker's campaign said Friday.

Biden will visit New Jersey on Oct. 11, five days before the special election to replace the late Democratic Sen. Frank Lautenberg, who died in June at the age of 89.

Joe Biden is going to New Jersey to campaign for Cory Booker, whose lead over Repub challenger Steve Lonegan has diminished, but is still overwhelming.  President Obama also has endorsed Newark mayor Booker but has ignored the race being run by the progressive NJ State Senator Barbara Buono, who has been running an uphill campaign against incumbent Chris Christie. Wednesday, a blogger for noted

So yesterday President and leader of the United States Democratic Party, Barack Obama, held a fundraiser in New York for Bill de Blasio, the presumed winner of the New York City Mayoral race. This is yet another time that Obama is standing up for a Democrat in a major race, a Democrat within an hour of New Jersey, a Democrat in a race that is essentially already won and still steadfastly refuses to provide any support -- even a word of encouragement -- to Barbara Buono.

Buono's opponent, public school opponent Chris Christie, arguably is Obama's favorite governor, having appeared twice (after Hurricane Sandy and the day after Memorial Day 2013) with the President in photo-ops.    While the first occasion, taking place mere days before the presidential election, assisted Obama, the second event was undertaken primarily to boost Christie's standing in a state in which President Obama still is fairly popular.

Chris Christie, then, has appeared before the cameras twice with a Democratic president primarily to advance his favorite cause, Chris Christie. While he usually is conveniently far right and occasionally there is one constant in his behavior- self-interest.   But while the media fawns over Christie and he receives criticism only from the non-traditional conservative media, one famous Republican is not fooled.

Asked (video, below and transcript, here) by Piers Morgan about the New Jersey governor, Meghan McCain responded "I used to love Chris Christie.  I'm kind of done with Chris Christie right now." She added

You know ever since his speech of the convention, I don't know if you remember it was so -- you know, he just talk about himself the entire time and I think politicians obviously, there's at some level of self-promotion that you have to do but I would like the next leader of the Republican Party and the next nominee to maybe be a little more interested in helping the country than just their platform.

Unfortunately, the daughter of John McCain is yet to understand that being tied to the hip of corporate interests, rather than not "coming to terms with the trends that are changing in America," is the defining characteristic of the Repub Party and presents its greatest threat to the nation.  Still,she at least recognizes what few others do, that Chris Christie is about nothing but Chris Christie.

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