Monday, November 21, 2016

Poor, Poor Me

Interviewed by Fox News' Howie Kurtz Sunday, Megyn Kelly maintained

One of the purposes of writing the book was to take issue with this so-called "cupcake generation." That's what I've dubbed them, who believe they're entitled to their safe spaces , they're entitled to never being offended. 

They're all about PC culture and having grown up in a different era. I really have a  problem with this because I believe we are wussifying our children and that does not comport with real life. We're not letting them build the muscles they're going to need to function in real life, where there is upset, there is offense. These are people who behave badly at times . 

They are not encouraged to build the muscles they're going to need to function in real life. Then they get elected President of the United States of America.

Kelly had begun talking about Donald Trump, then transitioned into commenting about his supporters (about whom she is ambivalent). Asked about personal attacks upon her, she criticized young people in general, those "having grown up in a different era," as well as their parents, who are "wussifying children."  As far as we know, she wasn't, but should have been, addressing the President-elect who, The New York Times' Patrick Healy reported Saturday

demanded an apology from the cast (of Hamilton) for making a rare, politically charged appeal from the stage on Friday night to Vice President-elect Mike Pence, who was in the audience, urging him and Mr. Trump to “uphold our American values” and “work on behalf of all of us.” Mr. Trump’s response significantly escalated an unusual protest inside a theater into a furor on social media and cable news.

Mr. Trump, who has stirred bipartisan concern over his habit of attacking those who challenge him, said on Twitter that the actors had “harassed” Mr. Pence, and he issued a battle cry to his supporters by saying that the musical’s cast had criticized “our wonderful future VP Mike Pence.” He continued to assail the show on Twitter on Saturday night, writing that the actors had been “very rude and insulting” to Mr. Pence and claiming that they “couldn’t even memorize lines” — though he offered no evidence and then deleted the message.

Presumably, part of not being "wussified" is to accept (as Kelly says she has) that "there is upset, there is offense" in life and "people who behave badly at times."  But that would not be Donald Trump, who

framed the cast's appeal as a violation of "a safe and special place"- borrowing a favored phrase of the left and of campus protesters; it was not clear whether he  did so derisively or in earnest.

That's a fair analysis but it's not an either/or. Trump probably intended his remark to be both a jab at the "safe zones' movement which his supporters believe is sweeping the nation's campuses and an argument that he is entitled to "a safe and special place."

During the campaign, Robert Kagan noted that Trump had chosen to "denigrate the parents of a soldier who died serving his country in Iraq" and to "keep it going for four days;" labeled retired Marine General John Allen "a failed general" after Allen criticized him, and fiormer New York mayor Michael Bloomberg "a very little guy" after the latter slammed the candidate.

As a candidate, he denied media credentials to media outlets he does not like and threatened to change the law so that news organizations can be more easily sued for libel. Frightened by coverage, the President-elect has chosen to travel without the press pool.

He is a guy who whines about comedy sketches, called unsupportive GOP officials "traitors," complained about the microphone at a debate, and interjected "what a nasty woman" when Hillary Clinton barely criticized him at another debate.

What a sensitive soul. "Many of Trump's supporters admire him," Kagan acknowledged, "for his bold challenge to political correctness." But in fact, the President-elect, as demonstrated by his recent hysterics about the cast of Hamilton, is far more sensitive than most of those youth Megyn Kelly sees as unable to "build the muscles they're going to need in real life." Donald Trump is not only the most sensitive of any individual elected to the office of President, he is the living, breathing embodiment of the political correctness most of his supporters are convinced they were voting against.

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