Friday, February 03, 2017

The Minister Of Propaganda Strikes Again

Kellyanne Fitzpatrick Conway told Chris Matthews Thursday evening

I bet there was very little coverage. I bet it's brand new information to people that President Obama has a six month ban on the Iraqi refugee program after two Iraqis came here to this country were radicalized and they were the masterminds behind the Bowling Green massacre. Most people didn't know that because it didn't get covered.

There is a good reason the "Bowling Green massacre" wasn't covered.  There was no massacre and it didn't happen in Bowling Green.  By now you all know that the FBI learned an Iraqi refugee and member of Al Qaeda was living in Bowling Green, Kentucky and

an undercover agent fooled him into thinking he was helping Al Qaeda in Iraq by sending rocket-propelled grenade launchers, machine guns, sniper rifles and more.

Alwan enlisted the help of Hammadi, who was also living in Bowling Green, according to documents.

Once authorities were confident the pair was not part of a larger terrorist cell, they arrested Hammadi and Alwan. The former was sentenced to life in prison, the latter to 40 years behind bars.

Contrary to Conway's claim, if there had been a massacre masterminded by Iraqi nationals living in the USA, it would have been covered. However, if  the perpetrator were someone evidently not Arab or Muslim, someone named, for example, "Alexandre," it might not have been major news in the USA. In such an attack largely ignored here in the states

The 27-year-old suspect in a terrorist attack against Muslims at Quebec City during evening prayers was charged on Monday with six counts of first degree murder and five counts of attempted murder.

The massacre on Sunday evening, which Canadian prime minister Justin Trudeau condemned as a "cowardly terrorist attack on Muslims", left five others in critical condition.

A further 12 worshippers managed to escape the chaos with minor injuries.

Police initially arrested two men but later said just one, Alexandre Bissonnette, remained a suspect.

Given even less attention than this real massacre- in contrast to the fake massacres brought to us by Propaganda Minister Conway- is that

Bissonnette is a French-Canadian student,  according to local news website TVA, which cited police sources. A Facebook page reportedly belonging to Bissonnette included "likes" for Donald Trump and Marine Le Pen, the far-right French presidential candidate. 

And if  it is up to the Grump Administration, murders by individuals with names dissimilar to Shareef or Waad will continue to get little attention. Reuters reports

The Trump administration wants to revamp and rename a U.S. government program designed to counter all violent ideologies so that it focuses solely on Islamist extremism, five people briefed on the matter told Reuters.

The program, "Countering Violent Extremism," or CVE, would be changed to "Countering Islamic Extremism" or "Countering Radical Islamic Extremism," the sources said, and would no longer target groups such as white supremacists who have also carried out bombings and shootings in the United States.

Such a change would reflect Trump's election campaign rhetoric and criticism of former President Barack Obama for being weak in the fight against Islamic State and for refusing to use the phrase "radical Islam" in describing it. Islamic State has claimed responsibility for attacks on civilians in several countries.

Chelsea Clinton responded to Conway by tweeting "very grateful no one seriously hurt in the Louvre attack ...or the (completely fake) Bowling Green Massacre. Please don't make up attacks." That's wishful thinking, though.

"We live in a post-fact world," Steve M. recognizes, in which the GOP base believes the Bowling Green Massacre "could have been true, so it is true." (his emphasis). Conflating Trump's refugee ban with President Obama's travel slowdown, she frightens the base further about Islamic terrorism, ratcheting up hatred of Muslims and laying the  groundwork for more punitive action.  Making this sort of thing up, Kellyanne Fitzpatrick Conway realizes, is a win-win for Donald Trump.

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